Ella Moore Ella Moore

I Moved To Huntington Beach!

Hi friends and family! It has officially been about 3 weeks since I moved to Huntington Beach, and two weeks since I started my full-time position with Circuit Riders. I want to thank all of you who have gotten me here with your continual prayers and support. I appreciate you all so much and am so excited to share with you the ways the Lord has already been moving since I arrived here!

Since being here, I have been able to get back in the swing of things by going to our local Monday night gatherings, and prayer rooms on Thursday, and the Lord has been moving!! Just this last Monday night, probably over 30 people gave their lives to the Lord and our team was able to pray with each one of them to encourage them. I also have gotten to return to my local church here in Huntington Beach, and plan to get involved by serving there!

In addition, I am also living with three of my friends in an apartment. Before moving in, we all really wanted our apartment to be a place that fostered hospitality and community! And so far we have had the privilege to host so many people at our home! We have also been able to have multiple people stay with us who are in town visiting the Huntington area. Getting this apartment was such a blessing and it has been so so sweet to be able to give it back to the Lord by serving and hosting others.

I am also so thrilled to share with you all that I am working as a tour leader on the Circuit Riders Youth West Team. This means for the next 4 months I will be working with two other staff members to plan an outreach to different high schools in the West. We will be planning to go to high schools with Jesus Clubs in the potential states of; Washington (This means I will be stopping by home for a bit!!!), Oregon, Northern California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, and New Mexico. As a youth team, we partner with Jesus Clubs which are student-run after-school clubs in high schools. We work with these clubs to help catalyze their leaders into action and leadership with evangelism training, helping them in their Jesus clubs wherever they are in need, and hosting youth rallies for students around their area. We do this because so many high school students are on fire for the Lord but do not know what to do with this passion practically. Thus, we are working to equip these students with practical outlets to live out this passion and the great commission as leaders in their schools.

In the planning process of building a tour, I will be calling students who run Jesus Clubs at their school, in addition to finding transportation and housing for our team. In January, around 7-10 students from the Circuit Riders training school will join my team for the two-month tour.

As I have been praying about this current assignment the Lord has placed in my path, I have felt such joy about getting to connect and reach the high schoolers of our nation. In seeking a clearer vision of the importance behind what it is that I am doing, this is what I felt the Lord lead me to be expectant for in the next few months:

I am expectant to see the restorative work of God in students' lives and within schools as a whole. I want to see the Lord open up students' eyes to see their true identity in Christ. My dream would be that students would know that they don't have to be chasing after the world and their peers to find their value, but that they have a father who has created them with an identity and value that no one and nothing can diminish or steal from them; That students would know that it is not their portion to be running the exhausting and unfulfilling race of chasing after the world, but instead, their portion to come home to their father. Home to their father who is joyfully and expectantly waiting to welcome them in a big embrace full of joy and unfailing love.

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